Open a company in Norway

Start a company in Norway

Setting up a Company in Norway

Norway is one of the most desirable places to launch a business for a variety of factors. First of all, it is one of the most politically and economically stable nations in the world. One of the few states that narrowly escaped the effects of the 2008 credit crunch was this one.

Second, it has one of the highest GDPs per capita and is a wealthy nation. Consequently, while having a small population, it has a very high purchasing power.

The fact that Norwegians are highly adaptive and receptive to new technologies is another benefit of establishing a business there. This indicates that they have highly skilled labour in the IT and tech industries in addition to being eager to purchase and experiment with new technology. The high level of education among Norwegians as a whole offers you access to a huge talent pool.

The ease of establishing a business in Norway is arguably the most significant element in its favour. Considering how little corruption there is, it is not difficult to establish a trustworthy firm. Furthermore, the majority of the business registration procedure can be finished online. Additionally, you will discover that following the country's tax regulations is relatively easy to follow.

Opening a bank account in Norway

As soon as your company is incorporated in Norway, you will need a dedicated IBAN bank account for SEPA – Single Euro Payments Area (local money transfer protocol across Europe) transfers.

You can open your Norway company iban account with your passport and company papers online, from, at best rates, with your company incorporation papers.

Please note that most traditional banks will require multiple physical visits, deposits to be made, and much paperwork, contrary to Monvenience.

With Monvenience, you can open and operate an IBAN bank account completely online, with no visits to the bank required, and no lofty deposits. Experience smooth, convenient online banking with us.

Moreover, these accounts are dedicated, unlimited, allows personal and corporate transfers, and also come with shared SWIFT facilities, in multicurrency. Thus you can concentrate on your Norway business with ease, when you bank with us.

Also, you account will operate like a local account not only in Norway, but in entire EU. You can also order a prepaid master card, for use anywhere in the globe, at all mastercard outlets.

With Monvenience, you have convenience.

Documents Required to Open Your Company Account in Norway

Click Here to open your Bank account valid in Norway and rest of Europe

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